Friday, June 28, 2019

Aquacade 4

The final event was the relay- canoe (Ian and Max were great sorts when they ran out of regular canoes and paddles a giant war canoe!) Then Kevin killed it in the kayak, Jayce swam the next leg along the shore, and Cole ran the last leg. Yeah guys!!

We will make all the pictures available in a Google shared album after we return.

Aquacade 3

This was one of the more colorful staffers.

Next event was the scoutmaster
 Belly flop - Mr Bowling was a terrific sport.

Aquacade 2

Third event was "Empty the Ocean" scouts had to fill a cup with water they collected in their clothes, hair and mouths.

Next was "Washington crossing the Delaware" Hurray for Mrs. Childs for being our General!


First event was sand sculpture. Our scouts made the giving tree. 

Next event was the caterpillar race- five scouts, one rowboat, no paddles.

Evening, day 6

The girls taught our neighbors how to put their hair up in a towel. We were lucky to have such a fun trip to share the campsite with - Troop 316.

Our fearless leader worked hard!

Day 6


Day 6

Stand up paddle board at 6am!

Day 6

Conner sir competes in the Dutch oven contest

Aquacade 4

The final event was the relay- canoe (Ian and Max were great sorts when they ran out of regular canoes and paddles a giant war canoe!) Then ...